


Welcome to Ebert Metropolitan District. This site contains information about Ebert Metropolitan District, about District management, operations, finances, and contact information. Ebert Metropolitan District is managed by District Management under the supervision of an elected Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors holds regular meetings supported by District Management.  Meeting schedules and related information are available on the Meetings page.  Election information is available on the Elections page.  Covenant control and community management (HOA type duties) are not performed by the Ebert Metropolitan District. For covenant control questions and matters requiring community related enforcement services, please visit the FAQ section. 


General Information


Contact Us

Mailing Address:

Special District Solutions, Inc.

ATTN: Ebert Metropolitan District

2370 Antelope Ridge Trail
Parker, CO 80138-4235

Phone: 303-662-1999 x-1

Kurt Schlegel
District Manager

Email:  Kurt@SpecialDistrictSolutions.com

Any information received is subject to the provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act.

Bulletin Board

A Special Meeting of the Ebert Metropolitan District's Board of Directors has been called for Wednesday - July 24, 2024 at 7:00 pm.  Meeting  notice and agenda can be obtained on the Meetings tab of this website


The next regular meeting of the District’s Board of Directors is scheduled for Tuesday - September 10, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Regular meetings for the remainder of 2024 are scheduled for:

September 10, 2024

December 3, 2024


Special Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called as needed.

July 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday